Episode 36: Interview with Jonah Sachs, co-founder and creative director of Free Range Studios, author of Winning the Story Wars
Jonah Sachs is an internationally recognized storyteller, author, and designer. He is the co-founder and chief storytelling officer of Free Range Studios, an advertising and marketing firm that specializes in nonprofits and socially responsible businesses.
Jonah has helped hundreds of social brands and causes break through the media din with campaigns built on sound storytelling strategies. Jonah’s book Winning the Story Wars uses case studies to show values-driven stories that Jonah believes is changing the face of marketing.
In this interview, Jonah talks about:
- Inadequacy marketing” and its shortcomings
- The importance of speaking to your customers’ hearts
- How empowerment marketing reaches out to individuals’ highest aspirations
- How to create experiences for your audience that are truly engaging