Episode 40: Interview with Pamela Hartigan, Director of the Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship at Saïd Business School, University of Oxford
Pamela is the Director of the Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship at Saïd Business School, University of Oxford. Pamela’s work at Skoll is focused on advancing social entrepreneurship byleveraging...
Episode 39: Interview with Suzi Sosa, cofounder and CEO at Verb
Suzi is cofounder and CEO at Verb., a social enterprise that produces, innovative competitions for social entrepreneurs who are working toward bringing bring disruptive innovation to the world’s most...
Episode 38: Interview with Alex Osterwalder, author of Business Model Generation, a global bestseller about business model innovation
Alex Osterwalder is an entrepreneur, speaker and business model innovator known for his work on the Business Model Canvas, a tool to visualize, challenge and (re-) invent business models....
Episode 37: Interview with Dr Jason Bradford Managing Partner of Farmland LP
Farmland LP acquires conventional farmland and converts it to organic, sustainable farmland, in a structure similar to a private farmland REIT Jason leads farmland management for Farmland LP, including...
Episode 36: Interview with Jonah Sachs, co-founder and creative director of Free Range Studios, author of Winning the Story Wars
Jonah Sachs is an internationally recognized storyteller, author, and designer. He is the co-founder and chief storytelling officer of Free Range Studios, an advertising and marketing firm that specializes...
Episode 35: Interview with Chris Ategeka, founder CEO of Rides for Lives
Chris Ategeka, is an engineer, inventor, and founder CEO of Rides for Lives. Motivated by his experience growing up in rural Uganda, Chris Ategeka started Rides for Lives an...
Episode 113: The Road to Impact at Scale: Lessons for social entrepreneurs from Mulago CEO, Kevin Starr.
What does it take for an organization focused on...